Saturday, December 16, 2006

reintoarcerea la origini sau :::ADIO REGIM:::

Nu mai vreau sa aud de regimuri alimentare,cure de slabit sau "diete pentru corpul mult dorit".Este chinuitor de stupid sa te privezi de o placere atat de naturala precum cea a delirului gustativ.Satisfacerea trebuintei hranirii prin mijloace cat mai placute este fireasca, drept dovada este deseori intalnita la animale(vezi pisica mofturoasa a Miaului).Si ca o mica paranteza-NU!, nu este la fel in cazul sexului.As far as I know,animalele "do it" ca sa se reproduca,nefacandu-si un hobby din chestia asta.OBSEDATILOR!

The story
Adoptata in urma cu mai bine de un an din motive clasice-girl likes boy,girl starts diet to lose weight& impress boy-ideea de regim a inceput ca o sugestie pt un plus de good looks.Cu timpul,frivola sugestie a devenit preocupare si si-a atins punctul culminant la rangul de obsesie.Nici o obsesie nu este ok-te consuma,iti mananca din personalitate si iti da peste cap orice apropiere de un posibil echilibru(?).
Ce s-a intamplat cu cei doi?Pai...nimic.Baiatul s-a intors in orasul sau medieval ,iar fata a ramas in capitala ...impreuna cu noua obsesie,desigur.
Totul a inceput cu un regim "de revista",urmat de macat obsesiv.Urmatoarea strategie a fost "evidenta caloriilor",urmata de mancat obsesiv.Penultima incercare a reprezentat-o alternativa pastilelor de slabit...urmata desigur de mancat obsesiv.In cele din urma s-a ajuns la o alterare infometare/indopare.
Am trecut prin multe cacaturi,m-am imbolnavit fizic si psihic/emotional.Si pt ca orice tort perfect trebuie sa aiba o cireasa,astazi sunt mai grasa decat eram in ziua cand am inceput regimul.
As grandmother used to say..."Ai facut cacatu' praf!".

De doua saptamani am inceput sa-mi fac curatenie in cap pt sarbatori.Gettin' rid of 'em filthee obsessions.Si chiar ma simt super ok.

My advice to all you girls out there...(care nu suntetzi chiar obeze.imi pare rau, n-am experienta in domeniul ala)

What you need is:

- va jucati cu modul de hranire.If you're not sure you can do it, DON'T START IT! Beware of "mentinerea de dupa"...

- manca pana incepe sa-ti iasa alimentele pe nas.THAT AIN'T THE RIGHT ROUTE!

- ca sportivii arata asa bine pt ca nu mananca? Atata timp cat nu ti-e interzis efortul , get that butt up and start sweating. It won't kill ya,it'll just make you stronger (and unlike a piece of flubber).

ADIO REGIM!You weren't really worth all that appreciation...

P.S. Acestea nu sunt confesiunile lui Moby Dick.I'm not huge.


muffin said...

1. coae (excuse moi), nu ai fost niciodata grasa (desi faci kktu praf in cel mai elegant mod posibil). coae, vorbesti prea pretentios
2. cine vorbea de sport: fata care abia isi misca curu' din an in paste pe bicicleta
3. "slabele se misca mai bine in pat" -replica asta am auzit-o de la tine cand vorbeai cu badescu
4. fir-ai a dracu' cat am mancat atunci in vama:))
5. orice om cu capu pe umeri te-ar cotzai
6. te rog frumos, nu "Gettin' rid of 'em filthee obsessions" ca raman singura
7. de obicei, cand slabesti tipului ii plac formele si invers
8. a la eloa (pe care o sustin cu tarie), tipii nu merita. desi merita sa arati bestial in costum de baie
9. francezul poate confirma ca arati bine
10. te iubeeeex

Flippy said...

diets una ador sa mananc :D, si nu cred ca as putea sa tzin regim

Unknown said...

pizza aia arata ff bine.mi-e pofta!!da-o dracului de dieta!!

herryp said...

Atkins "Nightmare" Diet
When Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution was first published, the President of the American College of Nutrition said, "Of all the bizarre diets that have been proposed in the last 50 years, this is the most dangerous to the public if followed for any length of time."[1]

When the chief health officer for the State of Maryland,[2] was asked "What's wrong with the Atkins Diet?" He replied "What's wrong with... taking an overdose of sleeping pills? You are placing your body in jeopardy." He continued "Although you can lose weight on these nutritionally unsound diets, you do so at the risk of your health and even your life."[3]

The Chair of Harvard's nutrition department went on record before a 1973 U.S. Senate Select Committee investigating fad diets: "The Atkins Diet is nonsense... Any book that recommends unlimited amounts of meat, butter, and eggs, as this one does, in my opinion is dangerous. The author who makes the suggestion is guilty of malpractice."[4]

The Chair of the American Medical Association's Council on Food and Nutrition testified before the Senate Subcommittee as to why the AMA felt they had to formally publish an official condemnation of the Atkins Diet: "A careful scientific appraisal was carried out by several council and staff members, aided by outside consultants. It became apparent that the [Atkins] diet as recommended poses a serious threat to health."[5]

The warnings from medical authorities continue to this day. "People need to wake up to the reality," former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop writes, that the Atkins Diet is "unhealthy and can be dangerous."[6]